Money, work, career
Sometimes I dream, that I am rolling in money …. Unfortunately coins and notes do not grow on trees ant. It means we have to think about the ways how to make them. There exist ways of quick getting big amounts of money: stealing, playing casino, selling drugs, or being a murder by offering.
These ways to earn are very risky and dangerous; so many people just don’t dare to do that to.
On the other hand honestly earned money is more valuable and it is the bigger pleasure to spend them. And when you have many money, you just don’t value them so match, and the things, you could buy also is not so valuable. It means such money brings less pleasure. And what about o gi priaks of conscience ?
Sometimes i feel pricks of conscience because i dont study carefully kadangi neatidžiai studijuoju, witch is like guarantee kas yra kaip garantija of better paid job gautio geriau mokama darba. Sometimes i feel pricks of conscience because i sacrifice aukoju my studies and time with my beloved girlfriend ir laika su mylima mergina for work darbui. I usually work overtimes daznai dirbu virsvalandzius, usually work from the early morning till the late evening nuo ryto iki vakaro .Sometimes, when i am back home kartis kai griztu namo even dont have energy net neturiu jegu to watch tv ziureti Tv. Am i right ar as teisingai elgiuosi?
You can hear poeple saying galima išgirti zmones snekant , that getting into well-paid job kad patekimas i gerai apmokama darba is only possible yra imanomas tik if you have all necessary relation jei turi geru rysiu ir pazistamu. Otherwise kitaip your way to the big money tavo kelias i didelius pinigus can be too long and even fruitless beveisis .
Every body face the choise kiekvienam tenka rinktis : do they achieve ar jie sieks to be someone they dreamed to be būti tuo kuo jie savjojo būti , do work a favorite job ar jie dirbs mėgstama darba , no matter how mach you are paid nesvarbu kiek uzdirbdami or you would have ar turetum courage drasos to leave your dreams palikti savo savajones and sacrifice your life ir paaukoti savo gyvenima for well-paid but not interesting job gerai apmokamam, bet neidomiam darbui.
Wise people advise protingi zmones pataria to think carefully rūpestingai apmastyti about these things: money is like sand pinigai yra kaip smelis , it may easyly jis gali lengvai began to slipp though your finger pradeti slysti pro pirstus.
I think manau , that happy are those laimingi yra tie , who can combine kurie sugeba suderinti both things abu dalykus: career karjera and pleasure malonuma. It means tai reikstu you have personal satisfaction kad turi asmenini malonuma and enough money ir pakankamai pinigu to feel safe in this world kad jaustumeisi saugus siame pasaulyje. However kaip ten bebutu nuobody exactly knows niekas tiksliai nezino , what kind of career it is kokia tai karjera. .